This is an email that you should have seen in your inbox! Thanks to the numerous links below, spam filters were mean to this email. It figures.. Please read on- all your links are in blue!

NO! Coming to you IN person this year!!
Yes indeed, when July is no longer with us, it’s time to think cool thoughts of January, and get yourself signed up for one epic trad fiddle, cello, and friends workshop with the one and only Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas! January 13 -15th, 2023– we’re hopeful for a big reunion and workshop.
I won’t bother you details and information you may already know, but, this workshop is SO different, in so many ways, we want to make sure you get all the facts! So here, in no particular order, are links to various subjects/topics for you to explore.
All about Warm Beach facilities, lodging and dining. Loads of photos.
Directions to Warm Beach Conference Center.
Pricing, and a few photos of the two main lodging options.
Our Covid policy.
Registration– deposits, timeline, how to register and pay, and the registration link/button.
The weekend schedule, as we know it today, and bound to change.
Scholarships and how to get them.
If you have questions or concerns, you may write to Marcia Thumma. I’ll be on vacation a fair bit, but promise to glance at emails every so often!
New this year: We have a priority deadline for registration- September 15th. Learn more about it on the Registration page mentioned above.
Sign up soon!
By the way, these amazing women are at it again- scheming and planning for a few big shake ups! We can’t give away details quite yet 😉