Fiddle Tunes and Scottish Fiddle Class
It’s a sure sign summer has officially arrived when Fiddle Tunes in Port Townsend takes the stage! This year, our very own Calum Mackinnon lead the Scottish fiddle class at camp. Pictured below are very happy class participants!
Troy MacGillivray Cape Breton Fiddle Workshop
Whether you’re an established Cape Breton fiddler, or you’re new to Cape Breton music and want to learn more about the style of music, head up to Mt. Vernon for a workshop featuring Troy MacGillivray. The June 19th workshop will take place at the newly opened Littlefield Celtic Center in Mt. Vernon. The workshop will run from 6:30 – 9:30. To read more about him, go to the Celtic Arts Foundation website, or follow this link to get more details and sign up!
Folklife this Weekend!
We will be back at Folklife this year! Come see us on Saturday, May 23rd! We will be at the Center House Theatre, at 11:45 — don’t show up late or you will find yourself standing in the door way, or very back of the theatre!
Ending the 2014-15 Season!
For the final meeting of the season, we opened up the doors and invited folks we don’t get the opportunity to play with too often! We also took time to recognize our graduation senior, Sam Laurin- who will be off to Stanford this fall!
Concert in Shoreline a Big Success
The NW Scottish Fiddlers performed for an enthusiastic crowd of all ages on Saturday, April 18th. The club offered up rousing sets, along with members of the club with their own groups: “Hot Cider”, The Cummings Family, The Youth Band, and soloist, Vienna.
Thanks to Calvin Presbyterian church for hosting us! Thanks to the amazing teamwork of all that helped out before, during, and after the show! Each and every one of the fiddlers/musicians made it work with the “can do” attitude the day of the concert- volunteering for any job that came along, not to mention practice, practice, practice! What a team!
Thank you Andrew Snoey, for the pictures!
Coming THIS Weekend!
We are truly excited to present our first full length concert at Calvin Presbyterian Church in Shoreline this coming Saturday night, at 7PM. Doors will open at 6:30.
Here’s a link to the church’s website:
For directions on how to get there:
Hope to see you there!!
First Fiddle Club Concert in Shoreline-
Another Great Workshop!
Many thanks to our phenomenal instructors, Alasdair Fraser, and Natalie Haas, for a great weekend of learning, and a memorable set of tunes! Many thanks to the planning committee of the board for their dedication and hard work! Survey results from 39 of the 102 participants also showed overwhelming satisfaction with the workshop. We have some new ideas, we know where we can still improve, and, we’ll keep doing what we do best! We are already looking forward to next year!
If you’re having workshop withdrawal, here’s something to cure the blues- great rehearsal videos! First half:Â Â and the second half:Â
Workshop Registration Deadline Extended!
Happy Holidays! There’s ONE last chance for those of you that didn’t quite get that registration in for the Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas Scottish Fiddle and Cello workshop coming up Jan. 16-18th on Whidbey Island, WA! For details, on the workshop or concert, go to:…/ Enter “HOLIDAY” in the comment section to make sure we process your registration!
Be SURE you’re in the picture this year!