Once again, a great time was had by all at the Everett Public Library concert, May 1st. The library provided every chair possible, and eventually we had a standing room only situation- full of enthusiastic concert goers. Highlights of the concert are below. Thank you, Everett Public Library, for your hospitality! Thank you, Calum MacKinnon for your leadership!

Pre-concert photo- we are ready to go!

Calum receives recognition for starting the club 10 years ago.

Calum MacKinnon, music director, extraordinaire!

Does the fiddler tap the feet, or do the feet tap the fiddler?

The fiddle club has been fortunate to have members of Hot Cider join us for the concert.

Also a part of the fiddle club for years, the Cummings Family players.

Flying high – Flora and Elinor perform the thrilling sword dance.

Youth band plays a set, with Vienna Scheyer leading.

A moment of appreciation for the club president, Marcia Thumma-