It was a great year, with guest instructors Calum MacKinnon and Susan Burke, and our 10th annual Alasdair Fraser/Natalie Haas workshop. Tunes and ideas learned throughout the year were part of the final concert of the year at the Everett Public Library on Mother’s Day. Â We had a great turnout considering it was Mother’s Day.
We’ll be taking the summer off, but looking forward to meeting again in the fall.  Club meetings are generally on the third Sunday of the month: September 16, October 21, November 18, December 16.  2019 dates are: January 13 (second  Sunday), February 17, March 17, April 21, and May 19.  We will continue to invite and recruit guest instructors, and of course, have the annual Whidbey Island workshop with Alasdair and Natalie, on January 18-20, 2019.
Here’s some scenes from the library concert: