Yes! Registration for our January workshop with Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas is now open! Â Go to our workshop pages for more workshop information and when you’re ready to register, go to our registration page for details!
Yes! Registration for our January workshop with Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas is now open! Â Go to our workshop pages for more workshop information and when you’re ready to register, go to our registration page for details!
Announcing our 10th annual workshop!
Join  the Northwest Scottish Fiddlers, Alasdair Fraser, and Natalie Haas when they return to Whidbey Island, Jan. 12-14, 2018, for a workshop and a concert finale.
NEW this year: $25 Early bird discount! Discount available August 1st-Â
through August 31st at 12pm PST. Â Applications must be received by this time, or postmarked by this date. Â Available only for participants choosing all meals and lodging. More details here.
Basic costs:
Registration & Workshop Fee: $180
(note:this includes participant ticket to concert!)
A minimum $50 deposit/registration will be required per registration.
Meals and Lodging:
All meals and lodging: $180
Lunches and dinners only, including lodging: $165
Meals only
All meals: $115
Lunch and dinners: $95
Go to the workshop page for all the details. Â The FAQ page will give you the latest information, on other camp happenings!
To be included in our workshop emails and updates, write to Marcia Thumma, workshop coordinator and grand wizard.
Special announcements will be coming soon!
As we take the summer off from club meetings, many exciting things are happening behind the scenes, such as lining up guest instructors, co-ordinating with hosts and hostesses to make sure we have a place to meet, etc.
There are a few changes in the making for next year! We are moving our meeting date from the second Sunday of the month to the third Sunday! Â You will also see that we will be making a big effort to allow for jam session time! We even have a volunteer who will be coordinating this effort!! Guest instructors will be announced once they’re booked.
The following dates have been approved for 2017-18:
Sept. 17-   Guest instructor and jamOct. 15 –   Review tunes learned and jamNov. 19-   Guest instructor, (sets for A-10), jamDec. 10* –  Review sets learned, (sets for A-10 ) and jam (note- this is the second Sunday!)Jan. 7**   (Note 1st Sunday of the month!) same as Dec.Feb. 18-   Review new A-10 set,  review other sets, jamMarch 18  Guest instructor, review sets for library, and jamApril 15    Review sets for Library and jamMay 20      Review sets for Folklife if desired, and jam
What a difference a year can make! It was hard to believe we were on the same stage, and, that just one year ago we sought warmth from the stage lights. We had a great time as we shared some of our favorite sets with an appreciative crowd.  Judith Cummings did a splendid job introducing sets:  “The New Shetland Set”, followed by Vienna with her competition set , “The A-9 Set”, and “Keys to the Cellar/Cam Ye frae France”.
Susan Barkan and Judith Cummings- you deserve special mention because you were there, but you were hiding at the time of this picture! Â Too busy playing, no doubt!
Performing on the Mural Amphitheater stage, without coats, jackets or sweaters, for once! Wonderful!
Those of us that know Calum have no doubt about his history with (and love of) Scotland. Here’s a wonderful article featured in “Positively Scottish”, an “on-line magazine dedicated to telling positive stories about ordinary Scots, at home and abroad…” The article was published April 29th, 2017.
Congratulations, Calum! You are certainly worthy of this distinction- … but the “ordinary” Scots, comment above, I would have some issue with!
Enjoy the article: Positively Scottish Humans of the US: from Boeing to bowing, Calum fiddles his way around the States!
We are excited to play for the Everett Public Library once again!  Music from Scotland will be the main feature, with trips to the Shetlands, Cape Breton.  You’ll hear traditional Scottish arrangements, to more modern sets, taught by Alasdair Fraser and Natalie at our January fiddle workshop. There’ll be very new compositions, as well as old standards that have been played for centuries.  Something for everyone!  PLEASE JOIN US!
Emails to workshop participants- sent.
Kick-off jam session scheduled for Friday with Susan Burke: 4:45 -check!
Rooms for all the campers-check!
Delicious food ordered -check!
Ceilidh theme: Winter is Coming -check! Â UGLY sweater??-check!
Sunday concert tickets– selling strong– check!
ARE YOU READY? Be sure to review the details either on the workshop page, or dig that old email out of the trash, and look it over.
Looking forward to seeing everyone soon – check, CHECK!
Happy Holidays to everyone! Â And, for those signed up for the Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas workshop, you’ll be hearing from us December 26th so you can start making those plans.
Speaking of plans- all meeting dates and locations for 2017 are posted on the calendar section of the website!
Cheers, and see you next year!
Grand finale – 2016 concert. Musicians mix with the crowd.
Take heart- if you missed your chance to attend the Scottish Fiddle and Cello workshop in January, you can still enjoy the concert on Sunday, January 15th!
The concert will be held at the Camp Casey Auditorium A, in Coupeville. Doors open at 1:30 and the concert will start at 2:00. Â Tickets are available at the door, if we are not sold out.
Prices: $18 (18 years and younger), $20 (seniors), and $23 (adults).
You can also order tickets through Brown Paper Tickets.