October meeting with Susan Burke teaching a Cape Breton set.
The audio files that were sent to members in early October are now in the library section of our website. Just go to the Tunes and Sets tab, remember to enter the password. Type in “Susan Burke” Â in the search box if you wish, and you’ll find it easily. Look in the “Recording” column and you’ll see Audio 1 (Dan Rory MacDonald),and Audio 2 (Christy Campbell, Lord MacDonald, Caber Feidh). Â Sorry, we can’t name the audios to make it easier to figure out which one is which due to limitations of the specialized program we’re using!
….Remember this month’s meeting is the Sunday, same place, 725 Driftwood Lane, Edmonds. Meeting starts at 2:00 with a brief annual group meeting- to elect officers, etc..Then we’ll review The New Shetland Set and the Helen N Robertson set. After we play through our new set we learned last month, to our heart’s content, it’s jam session time!