Donations help us fund scholarships to our workshop. Did you know that in 2023, 12 people received scholarships? We expect more this year!
Donate- so many ways to send us support! We are a 501.3c organization and will send you a receipt upon request. Just include an email and your full name.
First, a fun one- how about a Facebook birthday fundraiser?
Check: Just mail a check to Marcia Thumma, 2801 Bickford Ave., Ste. 103, PMB #199, Snohomish, WA, 98290.
Zelle: From your own bank account to ours! Once signed into your Zelle account, set up the payment information, and use as our email.
PayPal: You may donate any amount of you choose. And, you can use the QR code below, or the yellow Donate button below.