Dear friends- Our charges are now more affordable, as of September 25th! Look for items in BOLD for the new prices, etc.!
I think by now, we’re all tired of the jolt we get when we look at the prices of everything from food, to gas, to getting your lawn mower repaired… you name it. The good news is that this year’s workshop costs $395- just $30 more than it did back in 2020, when it cost $365 to attend.
I know it was a shock to see our prices for this year, especially after two years of affordable Zooming, when you could even pick your own price. This year, our most affordable plan requires that you room with 2 other people. It costs $395.
Here’s what you’ll get:
- stay in a spacious room where it’s possible to sleep 6 feet apart from each other.
- share a private bathroom with those same 2 people, instead of 26 of your closest friends (Camp Casey lodging).
- Warm Beaches’ dining hall has plenty of room to spread out – no more wondering if you just took a bite of your brownie, or the brownie belonging to the person sitting next to you!
- rehearsal s-p-a-c-e !! We literally can put a gaggle of cellos in between every participant, and the instructors!
So, you’re not comfortable sharing a room with 2 people? How about just 1 roommate? For just $25 more ($420 total) you can stay in Mt. Baker with just one friend! That’s just a $55 increase from 2020…
We have scholarships ready to hand out. Folks willing to room in Mt. Baker, at the $390 plan will be our priority. Scholarships will start at $100/person. Scholarships are forANYBODY (not just for students). Sure, there’s a teacher recommendation part of the scholarship, but we take several factors in to account!
Please let us know that you could use some help by filling out a scholarship application.
Here’s how to proceed:
1. submit your registration for the workshop first.
2. A $50 downpayment will hold your place- send a check, postmarked by OCTOBER 15th. Send to Bill Boyd, Treasurer, 7728 21st Ave. NW, Seattle WA, 98117
3. Apply for the scholarship as soon as you’ve registered for the workshop.
I hope that this information will be helpful. Check out all our workshop pages on the website. Look for the tab, “January “WOW” Workshop”
There’s also one page dedicated to registration, and it will take you to the registration page to get you started.
Best wishes! Hope to see you in January!