We are pleased to announce that registration for the seventh annual Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas workshop is on line! (The workshop will be held at Camp Casey, Coupeville, WA, January 16 – 18th, 2015.)
You will notice a few changes based on the suggestions from last years’ campers, and due to recently completely renovations at Camp Casey! Here’s just a short list of “what’s new”:
- newly renovated additional housing right next door to Auditorium A,
- Sunday concert starts an hour earlier (2 p.m.)for commuters (and football fans!),
- an amplification system for improved communication in Auditorium A,
- an additional building will be available for extra practice/jam sessions!
Click on the “Register” tab under Workshop to get started! Don’t forget to also renew or join Northwest Scottish Fiddlers to get a discount on registration!
Hope to see you soon!