Honoring Dr. King and Black Excellence in Music
2020 was a year that brought us to many powerful awakenings. From the importance of community and connection, to our health and well-being. One major reckoning was the blatant rise in racism, white supremacy, and prejudice — as a consequence, a rise in anti-racism and diversity, equity, and inclusion work also took place around the world.
Since WOW falls on the weekend that celebrates the life and impressive work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we have decided to carve out time during our weekend gathering to reflect and focus on Black excellence in the field of folk, traditional, and popular music.
Stay tuned for news on our plans for 2024.
This hour, which will include a short viewing of Ken Burns’ documentary and a forum style discussion, will be hosted by Jasmin Faulk-Dickerson, a member of our WOW community, and the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia, WA

Jasmin Faulk-Dickerson presents our MLK Focus!