As we take the summer off from club meetings, many exciting things are happening behind the scenes, such as lining up guest instructors, co-ordinating with hosts and hostesses to make sure we have a place to meet, etc.
There are a few changes in the making for next year! We are moving our meeting date from the second Sunday of the month to the third Sunday! Â You will also see that we will be making a big effort to allow for jam session time! We even have a volunteer who will be coordinating this effort!! Guest instructors will be announced once they’re booked.
The following dates have been approved for 2017-18:
Sept. 17-   Guest instructor and jamOct. 15 –   Review tunes learned and jamNov. 19-   Guest instructor, (sets for A-10), jamDec. 10* –  Review sets learned, (sets for A-10 ) and jam (note- this is the second Sunday!)Jan. 7**   (Note 1st Sunday of the month!) same as Dec.Feb. 18-   Review new A-10 set,  review other sets, jamMarch 18  Guest instructor, review sets for library, and jamApril 15    Review sets for Library and jamMay 20      Review sets for Folklife if desired, and jam